Discussing technical products and services on social media channels can be extremely effective. In order to do so, however, you need to use the right channels, address the right topics and grab the attention of your target groups with interesting formats.

Five steps to success

  • A social media audit can give you a clear overview of the current situation. It gives you a picture of how the various channels and posts are performing, as well as creating a solid basis for measuring future success.

    Have a look at your own social media presences and those of your relevant competitors. Are you active on the same channels? Which profiles do you have? Are these complete, informative and up to date? How are you organised from an international perspective? Do you have additional pages for specific products or focus areas? How many followers do your pages have?

    Next, focus your attention on your activities. Compare your levels of activity with those of your competitors over a certain period, as well as the reaction to it. There is no point in simply counting the number of posts, clicks, likes, comments and shares. Instead, it is better to take a qualitative, content-based approach. What are the topics that provoke the most reaction? Which formats work best? Who reacts?

  • A successful social media strategy is embedded in the overall communication plan. When based on a solid foundation in terms of content and format, together with clearly defined goals, it can increase the effectiveness of all measures. The strategy determines the criteria that govern the choice of channels. It also defines the conditions for dialogue, proximity, experience and support – the core elements of social media communication.

  • If you want to turn your wishes into reality in social media communication, you need to make a realistic assessment of the resources at your disposal. This calls for time and money, as well as advance planning and the scope to make decisions. Creating content is much easier when you consider its function when planning. We have had good experiences with the following types of content:

    • Solution content
    • Impuls content
    • Smile content
    • Trust content
    • Sales content

    There are a variety of tools available for social media management, depending on the degree of activity. The same applies to social media monitoring. But when it comes to targeted communication in niche markets, you need the kind of expert human judgement that no tool can provide.

  • Motivating and enabling staff to support the social media activities of your business and project team is the most important building block for organic success on LinkedIn, Facebook, Instagram and elsewhere. This calls for the right conditions:

    • Formulate a framework for action with rights and responsibilities
    • Support your ambassadors
    • Help introduce them to social media
    • Present your product, including the following elements:
      • The role profiles of the ambassadors
      • The content formats provided
      • The available dialogue support
  • Like many platforms, LinkedIn lets users expand their reach with a range of targeting options. Alongside your followers, you can address specific people who share their major profile features. You can also choose to target the profiles of companies in the relevant area. These are just two of many ways of reaching people who will most likely be glad to find you and your company.